Saturday, April 14, 2012

some more fun with food

A Chinese friend took me to a traditional village restaurant the other night. All in all, it was kind of a disappointment; none of the food was very good, but I'm chalking part of that up to the fact that he knew I was up to try most anything so he ordered weird foods. Donkey meat and goose eggs were the highlight of the evening.

Notice the cages to the right, so you know your food is fresh.

So, about the freshness of the food...

Donkey meat, eh, not a big fan.

I don't know why the goose eggs weirded me out so much, but they did. They look really dirty but just tasted like hard boiled eggs. Eggs in China freak me out a bit as a general rule. Chinese love hard boiled eggs, but hard boiled eggs that are like pickled or something, maybe marinated or hard boiled in flavored or seasoned water? I don't know but I don't want to eat them.


  1. Yay for fresh food! OK, the combo of that egg on that placemat is sooo appealing....was the goose about to hatch or what?

  2. Haha, I don't know how many westerners would be excited about knowing their food was killed in the restaurant at the time they ordered it though. If you look at the fourth picture down you can see a tray of goose eggs on the back corner of the table. I think the shells are just always kind of brownish in color, and the insides kind of grayish after being hard boiled. Not appealing to me :P
