Friday, April 13, 2012

royalties & privacy

The fact that I write came up with one of my adult students the other day and he was asking about my blog. I'd love to be able to send my students links, but with the Great Firewall, none of them can get to see it. I told this particular student I'd send him a screen capture though so he could.

He asked me if I write about my students; I told him I do, but I never include the names of people I write about to protect their privacy. Regardless, he jokingly demanded royalties, which cracked me up.

On the privacy note though, I really do try not to include too much detail about specific people or things that might potentially bite me in the ass down the road. The English speaking contest is the only thing I would think maybe I have too much information about (as I have the actual name posted), but at present I'm too lazy to go through and take the name out of posts it's mentioned in.

I'm not too worried about anything really, as I like to think I provide pretty fair observations about everything and the rest is my personal opinions, but maybe that's just me.

My mom is a big worrier, and she's definitely pointed out a time or two when I maybe included more detail than I should have, and I consequently made some edits. She's pretty concerned about someone stealing my identity from information I put on here though. Personally, I think there's more information about me on facebook than here!

A couple of my Chinese friends have asked me why I include so many details about myself as well. I just explain that it's MY blog; it's about MY life; of course there's going to be a lot of information about me! I'm not trying to write an informational book about China.

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