Saturday, April 14, 2012

more Korea vs China

I was talking to one of my tutoring students the other day about Korea, and the differences between there and here. She had a lot of questions for me when she heard I had been there. I found it a bit crazy that I had been and she hadn't, given that she lives so near, but it reminded me that I had a few things to add about my comparison between the two.

I went to Korea pretty much right after my skinny Chinese post, so it was pretty top of mind for me. One of the first things I noticed in Korea is that, on the whole, Koreans are much heavier than Chinese. You definitely see more fat Koreans than fat Chinese. Not sure why this is, especially since Koreans are so vain.

Also, as far as language goes, I mentioned that Korean is a simplified version of Chinese and that there is no version of the language written in Roman letters, like the Chinese pinyin. While this is true, the written language of characters is phonetic, so it can be much easier to learn how to read and write. The problem with this is that even if you can read the language and get the pronunciation correct, you still will not know what you are saying.

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