Saturday, February 4, 2012

welcome to China

DISCLAIMER: This is my first attempt at blogging and I have never kept a diary, journal or anything of that nature so, that said, enjoy!


I got in to Changchun last night around 10:30pm and got picked up at the airport by 2 poor Chinese men the school sent that didn't really know what they were getting themselves into. They didn't really speak English, but they were very friendly and in no way prepared to wrangle my 4 huge checked bags into the trunk of their small car and then up a few flights of stairs to my third floor apartment.

After the 2 hour drive to Songyuan (which, turns out, is a moderately big city in BFE Jilin) I was sliiiighty discouraged to discover that I basically live in a crack den. That did make me feel better about the fact that the school wanted me in for orientation this morning at 10:30am though (yay for escaping the crack den!). My building smells bad, my apartment wasn't cleaned after the last tenant vacated, I have an amazing view of what basically amounts to a large space of junkyard homes and my apartment came complete with a very random assortment of furniture, appliances and other things you generally expect in a "furnished" apartment. Also, my internet wasn't set up yet, so there was no way to make myself feel better via fb stalking people I love or placate Sher from across the world (and she emailed my boss as a result, which is completely awesome). I'm sure this post is going to help, isn't it Mommers :)

So I pretty much just crashed out last night. Woke up a few hours early for work this morning and could not for the life of me figure out where the shower was in my apartment. Super awesome after traveling for 22 hours the day prior to your first day at work, not being able to shower. I did the hobo shower thing though and nobody looked at me funny, so I think I was safe. 

Work today was laid back, school isn't in session at the moment so I basically had some brief introductions to the school, had some time to get online and do whatever I needed to and that was about it. One of my bosses took myself and a Chinese teacher out for lunch... to a Brazilian BBQ place. This was my first meal in China, lol. Later in the afternoon the same teacher, was charged with taking me around the area our school is in, going grocery shopping, showing me how my shower works (turns out it does exist) and my washer and dryer. She basically confirmed the crack den status of my apartment and told me part of the issue is that no one has lived here in a long time. She told me to be careful walking back here alone (yep, you read that right mom). She is sharing an apartment the school set up with two other Chinese teachers, and she's sharing a bed with one of them (whom she didn't previously know).

I did get some interesting things covered today... I did poop in a toilet in the floor, and I did have to use the toilet paper I had in my pocket (thank goodness). I discovered people do stare and talk about me in the grocery store even though I'm not that tall. I found out that Asians really do just randomly pick their English names and change them as often as they like (I'm picking a Chinese name while I'm here, but since they all mean something this apparently requires research). 

I think that's about all I've got for today, I could honestly go on for hours, but I think it's time to try to watch Grey's and go to bed (yes, it's 6pm and I'm talking about going to bed). I can't wait till the other English teachers get here...