Sunday, February 12, 2012

business, dinner, Fabio & names

I taught my level 2 business English adult class today... for four hours. Sounds crazy and intimidating, but actually they're a fun group and time flies with them. They have a huge range in where they are at with the English language, so that can be tricky, but they understand that so it's all good. A group of them took me out to dinner after class; the more advanced students like to practice their English and have natural conversations. We had a great time! I think they liked the fact that I wanted a picture with them :)

Chinese people make up their own English names and change them whenever they feel like it. They all have a story for why they have their name, which can be pretty interesting. One of my students' names is Fabio, it always cracks me up. I asked today why he's called that and apparently a teacher named him that. This led to me explaining the term "ladies man" to my students and then showing them pictures of the real Fabio... which led to Fabio asking me for a new name, ha.

The group that took me to dinner is making up a name for me for class tomorrow, stay posted to see what they come up with...

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