Monday, April 30, 2012

random pix: Shanghai

This kid was just adorable, I had to take his picture. I know, I know, I'm a creep.
Clowns are creepy in any country.
They have some really nifty architecture here.
The Aussie from the first night out. This about sums up a lot of the touristy areas, lots of homeless. I hadn't seen a lot of differently abled people in China so far, I was thinking they must hide them away or something. Not in Shanghai though, here they're all beggars. It's really sad, but then you do get the same people coming up to you like three four times in an hour if you're stationary because all white people look the same to them. Even after my friend gave some of they money they came back up to us.
Not my grandma...
Nuff said.
This is from my room in hostel #1. What kind of emergency might I need these for?! Also, who's stealing them?

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