Monday, April 16, 2012

Crack Den parking

More on Chinese being crappy drivers... a while ago, a friend of mine drove over to The Crack Den to visit me. We went out to his car a short while later to find that he had been parked in. He and like 20 other cars. There are no really set parking spaces with lines and such anywhere, it's just kind of a free for all. I like to think usually people have the common sense not to park in a whole bunch of other people, but maybe not.

So about fitting through that space directly ahead...
We were meeting a bunch of friends for dinner, so we needed to get out of there ASAP. There's not really much you can do in that situation though, there are hundreds of apartments that car could have belonged to. The Chinese solution to this situation was to lay on the horn. For like five minutes. In hopes that the questionable parker would come out to move their car.

That didn't work, but it did draw quite the town hall meeting. My friend got out to inspect the car (like the owner's name was going to be written on it or something), and he kicked the tires, which made me laugh. In my head I'm thinking, "Silly passive aggressive Chinese. You tell that car who's boss!" To my surprise though, most everyone in the little town hall group kicked the car as well. Apparently they were trying to set off the car alarm, to further bother all the neighbors, in case the honking wasn't enough.

Big news at The Crack Den!
The town hall went in the nearby corner shop to see if anyone knew whose car it was, they went to the security gate to see if the guards knew whose car it was, five guards came to kick the car also, they asked everyone that walked by whose car it was. In the end we took a cab.

When I was visiting my friend in Korea, she was telling me about similar situations there, except that in Korea, everyone has their phone number on their dashboard somewhere, so if they are in your way, you can just call them to come move their car.

Last week, my same Chinese friend that got blocked in parked near Crack Den 2.0 in what should have been a parallel parking spot, but he left his car jack knifing out into the throughway. There was completely enough room to fix it, but he insisted that the car was fine.

When he went out to get his car later someone had hit him. lol

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