Friday, June 15, 2012

excuses, excuses & southern China recap

I've been seriously slacking on blogging for a variety of reasons. I don't really want to be around technology (aka my laptop) much when I travel, so there was that. So then when I return, necessary posts build up and get overwhelming. I have to wade through zillions of photos to find the right ones I want to include and then I usually will have to find time when I want to blog and my coffee shop is open. The internet in my apartment is not the fastest and minor posts can take foreeeevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrr there, which drives me nuts, and I have a policy of not being at school if I'm not teaching.

On top of all that I've been quite busy. There's been quite a bit going on here. Lots of action and drama in Songyuan ladies and gents, LOTS of action and drama (stay tuned for more on that).

Anywho, final thoughts on the south...

I love it. Bottom line. The scenery is gorgeous. The weather is great. It's a good balance of eastern and western everything. The people are friendlier. When you're walking down the street there and you make eye contact with someone, they actually smile at you. Northern Chinese, not so much. The men are sexier. On the whole people there are shorter, but there tend to be more of the random freaks of nature that are like six feet tall and jacked (sigh).

Hong Kong was great, but too big and busy to live. Shenzen I didn't get to spend enough time in to get a good feel for it. Xiamen I am absolutely jazzed about. Guilin I'd say is actually prettier than Xiamen, but too touristy to live.

And that's about all I got!

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