Friday, June 22, 2012

urban planning propaganda museum

The other day, a Chinese friend asked some of us foreigners to go to a museum opening with him the next day. He said something big was going on, someone from the government was going to be there, and it promised to be something out of the ordinary. Also, I don't know that Songyuan has any other museums, so naturally we agreed.

Then it morphed into an I'm-not-going-with-you-but-this-other-Chinese-friend-of-ours-is-and-they'll-arrange-a-car-for-you kind of thing, which always makes you question motives.

There are definitely a good amount of Chinese that like having access to foreigners, whether they're friends with us or they know someone who is, because it makes them seem much cooler/more important/whatever to other Chinese. Sometimes being the token foreigners somewhere can be fun if you're ok with the ridiculous attention and questions, and it usually leads to a free meal or drinks. Typically you can tell from the outset of an invite though if that's what the whole thing is about, and our friends don't usually pull the bait and switch on us. The motives actually got a bit more confusing at the museums though, because one guy's boss met us and invited us to lunch and then he didn't even come with us.

Regardless, we went (to the museum and lunch). Turned out the museum had already opened, but very recently, and that morning the Secretary of Urban Planning for the province was there. We met him, but after going through the whole museum, and we didn't really talk to him at all.

All in all the museum was kind of cool, but I'd definitely classify it under the "propaganda" heading, as opposed to "education." 90% of it was about future Songyuan, with a lot of really, really impressive models, but they were completely unrealistic, they didn't agree with each other (I noticed the proposed Sky Tower in at least three different locations in the city) and if anything on them was going to come to fruition it wouldn't be for at least 50 years.

This model was the centerpiece. It was in the middle of the building on the first floor with second and third story balconies overlooking it. And naturally the Earth above it. You could actually go in the Earth and watch a little 360 degree animation clip.
Can't remember what this room was about.
More models and propaganda.
Virtual tour of the river, complete with seats mounted on a platform that swayed a bit to mimic the motion of the river.

FOREIGNER PERK: random gift when you leave the museum.

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