Saturday, June 23, 2012

awesome invention: mosquito patches

Everywhere is China has mosquitos, blah, and they all love me. Different parts of the country have different kinds. Xiamen seems to have the most of anywhere I've been so far, and they are also the most vicious. I looked like I had leprosy on my legs when I was there, and the bites are still visible and that trip was like a month ago!

I've heard that eating certain foods is supposed to keep them away (raw garlic, vinegar or bananas), but none of these have worked for me. What does work is these awesome patches they have here that you put on your clothes. They smell like citronella, but the scent is pretty light and not bad or over powering. Now why have I not seen these in the States? I need to send my parents a Chinese care package, haha.

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