Saturday, June 9, 2012


The final stop on my trip was Guilin. Logistically, it would would have been easier and cheaper to do Hong Kong/Shenzen to Guilin to Xiamen instead of Xiamen in the middle, but that stop was coordinated around others' travel plans.

I went there to see two groups of people. My little brother's ex girlfriend, who is a really sweet girl and a good friend of the family now, was there to visit a sorority sister that's teaching English there, so I wanted to see her while she was on my side of the world. Also, two of my friends from Songyuan are on holiday for a month and were planning to be there as well, so I wanted to connect with them.

In Guilin, I stayed in a hostel in a great location in the middle of downtown, right on the river. I was there for two days and three nights. The first day I checked in and then met my friend from the States, and her friend, and we wandered around the shopping streets for a bit, grabbed some food, etc. They had to teach for like five hours that night, so after they went to go do that I ended up meeting some cool people at my hostel (Chinese and foreign) to hang out with in the evening. We went for some crazy food, had a couple beers and played cards around the hostel (it was raining crazy hard).

This looks like soup, but it's actually a kind of tea that Guilin is known for. It's a black tea with a slightly peppery flavor. You put puffed rice, peanuts and little bread things that look like chick peas and taste like crackers in it and use a spoon to drink it.
Blood soup! I didn't ask who's blood, I just ate it.
Somehow this was my first time eating snails.
There's legit technique to it. Any time gloves are involved in eating, you know it's serious business.

The second day, I got up and met my friend from the States at her friend's university. We grabbed breakfast with a couple of other foreign teachers and then they all had stuff to do, so my friend and I were left to our own devices. We went to a gorgeous park that honestly could have entertained us for a week, there was so much to see and do!

This sign has maybe a quarter of the stuff the park had to offer on it. Unfortunately, we did not have time to investigate "ONCE MALE ROCK"...

How. Flipping. Gorgeous.
No clue what this bird is, but he was so pretty! Also, yes, they do let you get freakishly close to the animals. All of them.

Screw sad panda, this camel was the saddest animal there.
lesser pandas = adorable
Happy pandas!


  1. I think that white bird is a female peacock. They don't get the cool feathers like the male ones.

  2. Maybe! I had always thought they were brown; Google images seems to think we're both right. The white one honestly might have been prettier, but maybe just because I'd never seen one like it before.
