Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chinese appliances & The Crack Den

I've been noticing that Chinese appliances are kind of strange compared to Western ones and it took a while to dawn on me that they are the way they are (in some part) because they're pretty pressed for space here (duh). As a person with weird bathroom issues (I like them clean, big and well lit- if they're not going to meet all of those standards I require a good dousing of bleach) the showers drive me nuts. They throw a small hot water heater up on the wall in the bathroom with a removable shower head coming out of it and a bracket for the shower head next to it. There's no specific shower area, floors aren't sloped towards a drain, the whole bathroom is the shower. No shelving or anything for products. In The Crack Den the washer/dryer unit is in my bathroom too, or was until I moved it. It's TINY (like, I wouldn't be able to put 3 pairs of jeans in it), you have to put the water in yourself, the dryer is attached and about half the size, and the whole unit is super light and moveable. No test run yet so I'm not sure how well it works. I need to wash my bedding tonight so we'll see how that goes. Nobody has a stove or an oven, but they do have hot plates!

In other Crack Den news, I brought up my issues with The Crack Den to my boss so hopefully I'm moving soon (tomorrow?!), cross your fingers! I also discovered today, whilst venturing the opposite direction I usuaully go from my place, that The Crack Den complex is right next to some sort of Olympic building... what?!
The Crack Den is in a short red building, like the one in between the two tall ones on the left here, but at the far end of the complex.